Zero-Emission Trucks Help to Get the Job Done

March 15, 2019: Zero-Emission Trucks Help to Get the Job Done

The Edmonton Journal published an article this week about a company developing a zero-emission truck that is one of 16 new clean technology projects sharing in $100 million through Emissions Reduction, Alberta’s largest research challenge yet.

Called the Biotechnology, Electricity and Sustainable Transportation (BEST) challenge, the projects have a combined value of $600 million.

According to the provincial government, they also have the potential to reduce 2.5 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 — the equivalent of taking around 530,700 cars off the road — and will create 114 new jobs.

As the article states, the idea of the program is to make it easier for small- and medium-sized oil and gas companies to address methane waste through energy-efficient equipment upgrades.

More than 2,500 applications for the program have been approved, with at least 1,500 more anticipated by March 31.

It excites me that companies are really employing creative thinking to lower methane emissions across the value chain and across North America.

ONE Future believes that the only way that we will succeed in lowering our collective methane footprint is to tackle this issue as a community.

A question for all of us is; what else can we be doing to make strides – big or small – in this effort?

To find out more about ONE Future’s efforts, visit the website.

Richard Hyde, Executive Director